2009.04.17 - Smile Mail
12:47 PM ヤッホー 松本潤です。 今日は貴方に伝えたい事があって、メールしました 今日の夜10時から、TBS系金曜ドラマ『スマイル』がスタートします このドラマは、人はどんな困難な状況でも、笑顔や明るさで乗り越える事ができるか・・・ 人間の生きる価値、笑う事の大切さとは・・・ といった事をテーマにした、『ヒューマン・ラブストーリー』です。 共演の新垣結衣さん、そして中井貴一さんを始め、キャスト含むスタッフ一丸となって皆さんにいい作品を届けられる様に頑張ってます ビトと花、一馬がどのように出会い、これからどう関わっていくのか。 楽しんで頂ければと思います。 この作品は見る方によって、感情移入する部分も違ってくると思いますし、事前に予備知識をあまり入れずに見て頂きたい 深いテーマですが、エンターテインメントとして皆さんに見て頂ける作品になってると思うので、是非、ご覧下さい 初回は15分拡大です 長々と、読んでくれて、ありがとう 以上、【スマイルメール】でした Labels: Jun Matsumoto Ken POSTED @ 12:47 PM0 COMMENTS | ラブ( 。・_・。) |
♥Name: KenKen (Ken-chan) ♥Age: 20yr old, Nino's birthday is the day before mine :) ♥How Arashi / Ohmiya got me : I'm an Arashi fan. Nino & Ohno are my favorite (No matter what I do I can't choose between the two of them, so I love them both equally) I became an Arashi fan in 2006(around the time Letters From Iwo Jima came out in theaters, Which i was lucky enough to see on the big scene) I thought "Who is the actor who played Saigo." So I looked him up and at first I was surprised that he was in a boyband, As a non-fan then I thought all of them looked weird besides Ninomiya-kun who was oh so adorable and that was the end of it until towards the end of 2006 and the start of 2007 I started watching HYD which starred(Jun Matsumoto) I remembered him and still thought he was weird looking with his Thick eyebrows(Asian Micheal Jackson) Anyway the theme song was really catchy and after that I started watching their music videos and downloading all of their albums,pictures,and then ordering items from Japan etc,etc You know how this goes ne. Before I knew it I was in the fandom. After that I went through all the members to see who my favorite was, and it was still Ninomiya but after a while I started to notice the subtle but not so subtle love between him and Ohno. I was instantly drawn in by their sweetness and love for each other and before I knew it I was Obsessed with their love. After some thought, and long planing, I was inspired to make a website for myself. Ta-da~ Kazunari_kiseki Graphics PEPPERMINT DEMI VOX Lyrics HIMITSU ARASHI INTERNATIONAL FANCLUB PETITION ARASHI COME TO AMERICA PETITION Tagboard